Take Heart!

As followers of Christ, there are many things that distinguish us from non-believers.  Our definition of love, our reliance on God, our unfaltering hope even in the worst of situations, our faith that ultimately, all will end well. But being a Christian doesn't shield us from having problems in life.  Like all humans living in a fallen world, we will have our fair share of hardships and sorrows.  And yet, even in this regard we have something that distinguishes us from everyone else: that the peace of Christ will be with us, even in the midst of our most difficult moments.  In John 16:33, Jesus says, "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."
Jesus doesn't promise us that we won't have problems if we believe in him.  He doesn't promise us that our circumstances will always be perfect. But he does promise us that his peace will accompany us even in the valleys of our life.  

Are you facing a difficulty at this moment?  Don't be discouraged and don't despair!  Give it all to our Lord, who is ready to take all of your problems and give you his peace instead.  Pray:  Dear Father in Heaven, you promised that you are strongest when I am weak. You have promised to give me peace in the midst of the storm.  Please give me the wisdom to understand that your plans for me are good, and the peace in knowing that you will fight all the battles before me. Whenever worry and restlessness creep into my soul, please let me seek your comfort and peace. In Jesus' holy name I pray.  Amen.

Honoring Christ's Ambassadors in Tanzania

We recently collaborated with Naivera Church and IBIEN Bible College in Tanzania to award honorary doctoral degrees in Theology to twelve deserving individuals who have dedicated their lives to studying the Word and spreading the gospel in their corner of the world. We were very grateful to Dr. Benjamin Elunga W´Elunga, who acted as coordinator of the partnership and organized a commencement ceremony in Tanzania to bestow the honorary doctoral degrees to the Theology students.

Naivera Church consists mainly of Congolese refugees in Tanzania, mostly in the Nyarugusu camp where more than 100.000 people live.  May they all be blessed richly, and may all the new Honorary Doctors be empowered to move forward and tell everyone about the good news!

"Thank you for your incredible service.  I never had a chance to study for an academic degree when I was younger, and I always felt that this held me back in life.  This has finally leveled the playing field for me, and now I can hold my head up a little higher as I introduce myself as an honorary doctor.  Thanks again." 

-- Andrew M. Abel,

Dr. h.c. of Religious Economics (Brisbane, Australia)

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